The Team

Reborn is an Italian company, founded in 2016, unique and innovative in Italy. It proposes itself as a reality that can offer services, products and clinical solutions “custom”  economically advantageous for the achievement of animal welfare because it well correlates to the welfare and human health. Reborn Ltd was conceived and promoted by a group of professionals and young and excellent graduates in medical disciplines, physical chemistry, engineering and architectural, united by the desire for knowledge, working in a team to relate their personal skills and knowledge in order to introducing cross-technologies useful to improve human and animal life. The natural propensity of members to scientific research has determined a high technological profile realization in company, specializing in various areas, including robotics biomimetics, nanomaterials and thanks to the excellent level of skills in the context of new technologies, they design and make innovative products.

In Reborn the differences between the various team members allows to be present in terms of knowledge and skills at different levels and in different fields allowing to solve different problems and with an innovative and comprehensive approach.